
Our New House
It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Up and Down Up and Down
Well we are back in the park safe and sound again. We will be keeping a close eye on the storms because we are leaving on Monday if the weather allows.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Christmas was good to us
All is going well except I did a dumb thing and don’t know if I broke my finger or just sprained it extremely good. I thought I would give it some time to see if it gets better. Well, it’s been a week now and it is not improving as fast as I hoped. I will probably see a doctor sometime this week. We are leaving next week so if they have to cast it I will have to get instructions on how and when to de-cast it myself.
Wednesday we are packing up and heading for the Service Center. We have a few more repairs that need to be done before we leave here. We have to be out of here that night anyway since we have reached our 29 day limit here at The Pechanga RV Resort. After the repairs, we will spend the night in the parking lot adjacent to this PV park for the night and come back in the next morning for a few days until January 3rd when we head out. We have decided to spend a week in Palm Springs before we head over to the Indio Rally. There are a few friends we want to say hi to around the Palm Springs area.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Nana and Papa

Mom and Alexa 1 hour old
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Nana, Big Brother Landen and Alexa 10 days old.
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Papa, Big Brother Landen and Alexa 10 days old.
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas

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It’s fun to see how people decorate their motorhomes and trailers. Here are some photos of ours.

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What a great weekend. The weather was the best. I told Susan we have to follow this weather all over the country. We did nothing but sit and enjoy. Well, we did have to run into Vista to take care of some bank needs. On the way back we stopped in the little town of Rainbow. This place consists of a small store with a couple of gas pumps and a restaurant/bar. We bought a couple of apples from the store and had a hamburger in the restaurant. The food was good but I was more impressed by the waitress. She did not stop the whole time we were there. She must have taken 25 orders, served 50 meals in the short time we were there, and seemed to really enjoy her job.
Surprisingly the RV Park was not very full this weekend. Jerry Seinfeld flow in in his helicopter for his show Saturday evening. He flew back out at 12:00 midnight, I know because he woke me while leaving. The shuttle driver said Jerry was rather snooty wanting a limo to pick him up at the helicopter and bring him to the hotel (It’s only across the parking lot). Where the helicopter was parked, they couldn’t get a limo down in there so they sent there limo shuttle bus. This did not please him. He also demanded security escort him everywhere so the public did not bother him.
Friday, December 3, 2004
We made it in Motorhome Magazine
Friday, November 26, 2004
Party in the parking lot

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I completely forgot about the holiday weekend and failed to make reservations in time so we got ousted from the RV Park for tonight. We are not alone though, as you can see. There are over 15 rigs in this parking lot and probably just as many in the other, and it's still early. This is not the first and I am sure not the last.
We had Thanksgiving dinner at Susan's parents house with our Daughters and Grandson. It's nice to have the whole family together before we head out on the road. Hopefully we will be getting together one more time for Christmas also and this time we should have a new addition to the family, Our new Granddaughter Alexa.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Sometimes you have to be forced
Well, turns out that not much got done on the motorhome, Go Figure! They had to order parts so we have to go back. Since we have to find a place to hang out on December 28th we made an appointment for then. Since they got it done in a day we didn’t have to live at the service center. We brought the Aerbus back over to Pechanga and decided to just hang out in the parking lot for a night. Bright and early this morning I got us back in the RV Resort. They still have no spaces available for Friday so it looks like it’s going to be back out in the parking lot again. Some of you might say, “What a hassle”. Nah, It breaks up the routine. The Aerbus and Generator needed to be run anyway.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
What the…?

I woke about 7:00 this morning, rolled over and took a peek out the window. Hey! Guess what? It’s snowing! I mean it was really coming down. The locals said they can’t remember it ever snowing here. The weather forecasted showers. I guess they didn’t count on it dropping to the low 30s over night. It barely got into the 60s today then dipped back down to the 40s. It is supposed to get warm for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow we are moving. We will be living at the repair center here in Temecula. It is so close by that I doubt the motorhome will even warm up by the time we get there. We are planning 2 nights but I suspect it will only be for 1 night. We were going to get the brake recall done but they have a parts shortage. They wanted to cancel the appointment but I reminded them that the original appointment was for the Ram Air Kit Workhorse wants to put on my motorhome in an attempt to cure the sparkplug burning issue. I also need the Emergency Flasher Switch replaced again and the horn fixed from a botched repair by Beaudry RV about a year ago. After that we will try to get back here at Pechange. If not then it’s Camp Wal-Mart.
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Lesson learned
How many of you have to put away all your knick-knacks, secure everything and move your home when your utilities run out???
Didn’t think so. I did. Suddenly I noticed my water heater was having troubles staying lit. First thing I checked was the propane tank. EMPTY!
We had to pack up our house and drive it over less than ¼ mile to fill the propane tank. I guess this was bad planning on my part. I knew we were going to be here for a month but I thought I could make it on around ½ tank. What I didn’t count on is the temperatures dipping into the low 40s to high 30s at night. The heater gets a good workout every morning to take the chill off.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Stuck in Phone Purgatory
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Holidays, OH NO!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
We’re back

25 days, 9 stops, and 770 miles later we are back in Temecula. We just arrived at Pechanga RV Resort about an hour ago. It was a nice driver over the hill from Lancaster where we just left the Rexhall International Homecoming Rally.

We had a blast. The food, entertainment and people were great. We now have more people to hookup with when we start to travel.
The weather is a lot nicer here than Lancaster. We are back in short and flip flops. We will be here until about the second week in January with a brief stay at the Temecula RV Service Center. I don’t know if I am going to be able to handle over 2 months in the same location. I may just have to move on the another location here close to family if I get antsy.
We are still running on the $5.00 spark plug wire with no problems. I talked to several others at the rally and it seem the guys that own RexAir’s don’t have the problem where us that own Aerbus’s do. The difference is the amount of grill space. Some had the Workhorse Ram Air Kit installed but said it is too soon to tell if it has fixed their problem yet. After what I found out about the grill space I’m betting it will fix the problem. I am also going to call Rexhall and give them my findings and ask them what they are going to do about it.
We both just can’t wait to see our Grandson Landen. It has been about a month since we have seen him although we have talked to him on the phone. I can’t imagine how it will be after January when we really start to travel. We got invited to a couple of post homecoming rallies but wanted to get back to see Landen.
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Another Travel Day

Today is the last day of the Rexhall International Homecoming Rally. We will be heading back to Temecula where we will be for 29 days then into the shop.
The rally has really been a blast. Lots of good people, food and seminars. I learned a couple of things at the rallies but learned even more from just sitting and talking to the other Rexhall owners.
Rexhall brought a number of new coaches out for us to tour. The general opinion was that they were total junk and no one would give up what they own now for one. Apparently Rexhall knows this and hired a new Engineer that came to the rally to gather input. Hopefully he will go back and start cleaning up there act.
The weather has been interesting. When we pulled in 5 days ago it was overcast, cold and windy. That night it rained, and it rained good. The next morning I got up and checked for leaks. NO LEAKS! The rest of the days were nice and today I was finally able to take off my jacket.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
They call us Wavers

We made it over the hill from Bakersfield to Lancaster to the Rexhall Rally this morning. The Aerbus is still running great on the $5.00 plug wire. Of course it was only about 55 degrees outside so things were running pretty cool. As soon as we checked in they were on us to go to work. We were not scheduled to do any volunteer work until tomorrow but they had some no shows and were short handed. We didn’t even have a chance to setup our house before we were on the street corner with signs in hand waving to the Rexhalls coming in. It was pretty cold and windy but at least it wasn’t raining. We only had to do 2 hours before we were relieved then it was back to the Aerbus to setup. Tomorrow at 9:30am we will be back on the street. Hope the rain gives us a break.
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Friday, October 15, 2004

Out here in Bakersfield, in the middle of farm country, they are having an International Wake Board Championship. There are a series of about 7 man made lakes they call Ski West Village. It Looked like I was at Lake Havasu on the Colorado River or something. There were Vendor Booths, lots of nice ski boats and WATER. I mean this is a place that if your car sits for more than a couple of days, there is so much dust on it, you can’t tell what color it is. There are people from all over the US at the lakes. They have a row of Easy-Ups with a state labeled on each for the spectators. You just find the craziest things in the craziest places.
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
They come and they go

where did they all go?
We have seen more Rvers in the 4 days here at the Orange Grove RV Park than we have seen in the last 3 months. Seem this is a transient park. They start coming in around 2 o’clock and don’t stop until about 6. There is everything from van conversions to Prevosts. And every motorhome has a car behind it. They are coming from every direction and going in every direction. I told Susan there is one good thing about it. If you don’t like your neighbor, they will be gone in the morning. We kind of feel like the oddballs since we are here for a week.
I got a kick out of one guy. He pulled in with a new trailer and had a heck of a time with it. The only tool I saw him with was a hammer, and he used it a lot. I think he had a new trailer because he beat the hell out of his last one.
We have met fulltimers that are loving it and fulltimers that can’t wait to get home and put the rig up for sale.
The only one we have seen with kids is a family from Kentucky that is out here for their son’s wake board competition. It’s Mom, Dad, Grandma and 3 kids in a 35 foot class A, and there having a ball. They came here the long way, zigging and zagging their way up and down the country on their way here.
It’s been getting hotter everyday. Today it got to 95. At least the evenings are cool. They say it should be cooling off by the weekend. I hope it cools down before we go to Lancaster.
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Monday, October 11, 2004
Are we there yet?
I added to my bug collection, however I can’t tell what kind they are because they are splattered all over the front of the Aerbus. Well I got a week to clean them off since we don’t need to be anywhere until the 20th.
I have over 550 miles on the $5.00 spark wire and it hasn’t fried yet. I don’t think the $20 factory wire lasted me that long. Of course not that I said something it will fry on the next leg of our journey.
When we got here I was looking at the Campground map that they give you with all the local adds on it and there was a Oil Change Special from The RV Peddler. It stated $0.15 a quart for oil and $0.85 an hour for labor with a filter at regular price. It sure got me curious so I gave then a call. They didn’t have a clue what I was talking about but said they would honor it if I brought them the add. I asked how much the filter cost and was quoted $44.00 (for an oil filter for a Chevy gas engine). I chuckled and said No Thanks.
Friday, October 8, 2004
San Antonio Lake
Travel Day
Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Pismo Beach

We made it to Pismo Coast Village RV Resort. We decided to take Highway 1 instead of 101 just for a change of pace. It was a good drive but a bit hilly. Nothing too interesting just a lot of farm land. They have free wireless internet here at Pismo so I can roam the internet as much as I want. The weather is great and we are a few steps from the beach. We will be here for 2 nights then we will continue on our trek north to San Antonio Lake. We plan to stay at the lake for a week it looks good..
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Danish Pancakes

We arrived at Flying Flags Campground in Buellton, CA today about noon. We did nothing but sit and relax. Tomorrow morning we are heading into Solvang for breakfast. For those that don't know about Solvang it is a small Danish town near the coast in California. After breakfast we are heading for Highway 1 for the trip to Pismo Beach where we will be spending 2 nights.
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Campingworld Overnight
Sunday, October 3, 2004
NASCAR Truck Night Racing

These guys were moving. As you can see in the picture they are just a blur. We had the best seats in the race. We were perched above my Daughters Motorhome on a deck custom built by her husband just for the races. We all had our scanner radios tuned into the race frequencies to get the inside scoop. Susan was reluctant to get on top of the motorhome but her seat was no slouch. She was sitting in the driver seat of the Aerbus and had a excellent view out our front picture window. She also had the TV on so she could keep up on the commentaries and watch the replays of the wrecks.
Today is the Indy Cars. Should be fun!
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Good thing we have plenty of time.
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Did we say something wrong?

No not really. It is Sunday so most people packed up to go home and back to their jobs. This leaves the park pretty much empty, and quiet. I suspect the rest of the week will be the same, then back to being full for the weekend. It was packed this weekend with only a few sites open. I would suspect that most of the empties were no shows because this is a popular place. We will be heading over to the casino a little later to see how much it slows down during the weekdays also.
It has been about 100 degrees here during the day and a good 35+ mph wind comes up about 1:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon. So far I have left the awnings out but keep a close eye on them. I may have to pull them in today since there are no motorhomes around us to slow the wind.
Evenings are so nice here. After dinner we take our walk around the park then light up our oil lanterns and our 'Halloween Light' and sit by the motorhome and enjoy the calm comfortable temperatures. I always wanted a set of those rope lights to attach to the underside of my awning but didn't want to spend the 20 something bucks that Campingworld wanted. So the other day while doing some shopping at Wal-Mart I took a cruise through the Halloween section and found an 18' 'Halloween Orange' rope light for $7.00. I thought orange might be kind of weird but it turned out to be nice, and doesn't attract the bugs.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Sad then Happy

It was a sad day today. We left All Seasons after being there for 2 months. It's hard to stay in one place 2 months without making good friends. Last night we took our final walk around the lake to say goodbye to all the good people we have met.
Today is also a Happy day. We have moved to Pechanga RV Resort just 18 miles down the road. The Resort is adjacent to a nice Indian Casino. We have stayed here before and it is just as nice as before. We will be here for only about a week this time then we are off again. Some friends from All Seasons will be coming up on Monday to join us for the Buffet at the Casino.
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Looking forward to moving on
Friday, September 17, 2004
It’s All Ours
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
We must stay flexible
Friday, September 10, 2004
The owner stopped by to say hi

So I was sitting in the Aerbus minding my own business when I heard what sounded like a helicopter about to land on the roof. I leaped out in time to catch this chopper landing on the bridge over the lake. Turns out it was the owner just flying in to see how things are going. A really nice guy. He hung around for about an hour and off he went. He invited me up to check out one of his other parks on the Sacramento river. We will have to hunt it out someday
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Check out the hawk

This guy has been circling the lake for about a week now. I guess the term 'hawk eye' has some truth to it. This guy can spot a fish from high up and with one swift dive come up with a snack. He has learned that the fish hang out below our deck waiting for food and has made a meal of at least one that I saw.
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What happened

Our lake turned into Pea Soup today. It never was the clearest lake but today I sat and watched as a green cloud came over the entire lake in a matter of minutes. It was the strangest thing. I think it has something to do with the weather. It has been quite hot and humid here and I was told that a lake will 'turn over' with changes in temperature.
As you can see in the next photo, Susan's fish are barely visible in the muck. I hope we don't see them floating belly up tomorrow.

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Monday, September 6, 2004
Well, It’s over

The last long weekend of the summer has come and gone. I got admit, it's a good feeling to just sit back and watch everyone else packing to go home. It's really nice to already be home. I look at all the long faces from what were happy faces just yesterday and remember back when I was one of them. We will never travel during the weekends if we can help it. We will do our travels during the mid week when most are at work.
The site we have is a really nice site during most of the time but being right next to the tent sites it gets pretty wild during the holiday weekends. I thought it would be fun watching the crazies come and go but it gets pretty trying at times. Well it's all over now and we cane once again mellow out.
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
My Mechanic

It's always a good feeling to have a good mechanic if things go wrong. My grandson can probably do as good as some of the guys I've used.
Labor day, the last big camping weekend. This place is PACKED. I have to keep going out and reminding people not to double park and block me in. They are 3 deep here. The tent area is a mess with trash and the lake is equally as bad. Can't wait until Tuesday so we can clean up this place and get back to normal.
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Friday, September 3, 2004
Thursday, September 2, 2004
It’s a done deal
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
In Memory
I just found out that a long time friend has passed away from Cancer at the age of 52. He was a hard worker sometimes putting in 14 hours a day leaving him little time for anything else.
I’m thinking about you David and good luck on your ultimate journey.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Getting the itch
I think I have figured out that 1 month is the max I want to stay in one place. September 17th is the day we leave. We have a house sitting job while the Aerbus is in the shop. This will only be a week then we can move on.
I got the electric bill yesterday. Yes we pay electricity on top of the rent here. $29 for 38 days. Running the air conditioners, convection oven and fans, I think this is very reasonable. Much less then it was living in the house.
I watched some poor lady struggling to take out the trash cans the other morning on my way to work. I remember that. Life is so much easier living in the Aerbus.
Escrow still hasn’t closed… Another day – Another $100. Not sure I told you but every day escrow is late the buyers have to pay me $100. However, I am anxious to close so I can cancel the utilities at the house. Also I need to get our finances in order and accounts setup for the road.
As of today I have 5 more working days left. Can you imagine not working? I still can’t. With all that time I will have the shiniest motorhome in the park.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Our Cat

This is a photo of the catfish that we feed everyday. Actually all you can see in this picture is its gaping mouth with a hunk of bread in it. I have never seen a catfish come to the surface to feed until now. I always though they were bottom feeders. This guy is so big that it can devour a whole slice of bread in one gulp. I reminded Susan that she is spending over $30 a month feeding the fish and ducks and that she is not allowed to feed the Bison when we get to Yellowstone. That would put a serious hurt on our budget.
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Working on the road
You meet all kinds of people in this lifestyle. Some of the people I have met so far Have to work and some Choose to work to support this lifestyle. As of this writing I have only 16 more working days.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
It just get's better everyday
Found out that escrow will not close on the house until this weekend. That’s almost 3 weeks late. The good thing about it is that the buyer has to pay $100 a day everyday they are late. Good thing too because I figured out that it’s costing us about $30 a month to feed the fish and ducks at our present location. Not that we have to, but they make you feel pretty guilty looking up at you every time you walk over to the rail on the deck. Yes even the fish are looking up at us…
Got my Verizon bill and found out that using the Verizon network as my ISP is not costing any extra. It is included in my plan. So Cool!
So what is it about living in an RV that is different than in the house? Let’s see, I got phone, TV, Internet, all the comforts and conveniences of a house…No difference there. Oh Yeah, We got no yard work, the freedom to roam, new friendly neighbors every week, inexpensive living, awe…that’s the difference. I think we can handle it.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Filling In The Rut

Funny how you don't realize the rut you are in until you make a change. My life used to be the same routine every day and every weekend. Now that I have abandoned the stick house and moved into our house with wheels. The routine will be changing quite often. So instead of ruts they will be mere surface scratches.
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Friday, August 6, 2004

It's getting harder and harder to go to work. I didn't think it would be any different as I got closer to retirement but it sure is. I have decided to take every Monday off (indefinitely) to spend time with my Grandson before we hit the road. He is 3 years old and I'm not sure he understands what we are doing, but he now refers to the motorhome as Nana and Papa's new house.
So far living in our 300 sq ft 1 bedroom motorhome after living in our 1500 sq ft 4 bedroom house is great! We DO NOT miss the house a bit.
We started feeding the Mud Hens that float around below our deck, then the Croppy started to feed, and now we have 2 giant Cat Fish that come up and eat. I don't know what they all are going to do when we leave. After dinner every night we take a walk around the lake to see who has pulled in and who has pulled out. It's a rough life but don't you worry, we will handle it for you all ;-)
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
I'm online!
We are paid up here at All Seasons through September 17th then the Aerbus goes into the shop to have another look at my burnt spark plug problem. I have a small hand full of other items for them to look at also before we hit the road. We have a house sitting job for that week so we won’t have to be living in the service center parking lot. If they happen to get it done before we are done house sitting I will just have them park it in their storage lot. If we are done before them then we will be living at the service center until their done. After that we will shoot up to Julian, CA for a while.
I talked with the office staff here at All Season to see if we could reserve this choice spot for December but they said they have someone that wants it as soon as we move out and will most likely become a permanent. We really lucked out to get it when we did. It is a well sought after site.
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Our House
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Sometimes things just work out right
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Whew! The sale is over!
A lot of people asked us where we were moving to and it was fun to just point to the motorhome that was parked out front. We met a few X fulltimers during the garage sale and got some ideas on where to go and what to see. None of them told us we were crazy and shouldn’t be doing this. They all said they had a great time. The ones that weren’t fulltimers were envious. I know the feeling, I’ve been there.
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
No time to say Hello - Goodbye, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!
Friday, July 9, 2004
Thursday, July 8, 2004
Hunting for a place to live
Saturday, July 3, 2004
Another trip to Lancaster
Yarman’s Driveshaft did an outstanding job of getting rid of my vibration at 60 miles per hour. The Aerbus is a pleasure to drive now. If you are near Lancaster, CA and in need of any driveline work, give Yarman a try.
The trip home was a bit easier this time. Usually we dread going home. This time is was different because we know it will only be one more month and we will become official Fulltimers and “Free To Roam About The Country”.
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
I accept!
Sunday, June 20, 2004
Phone’s Ringing
Friday, June 18, 2004
Another piece in place
It is very sad to see the ‘65 go since I have owned it for 27 years and put a lot of time and pride into it. But it just doesn’t fit into our new lifestyle. I know I will miss it but I will also enjoy the freedom of our new life.

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Sunday, June 13, 2004
I love the beach
Well when we got back, we had an offer on the house. I am rather disappointed with my agent. She must have forgot how much she suggested and listed the house for because the offer was pretty low. I can’t believe she even came to us with an offer like that. Well it’s still early in the game and we have plenty of time.

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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
How can you just sell everything like that?
Monday, June 7, 2004
Another Big Step
As soon as we accept an offer we are going to jump into the motorhome and head for the hills, literally. We plan to spend a week in a nice little mountain community near here called Julian. We love it there and it will be a welcome getaway.
Sunday, June 6, 2004
The trials and tribulations of Fulltiming
Thursday, June 3, 2004
It’s Baaaack…
Although I highly recommend Temecula Valley RV in Temecula,CA, I am rather disappointed in them this time. I told them that I had already talked to Workhorse about this and was informed that there is a known problem with an exhaust manifold gasket leaking and blowing hot exhaust gasses on the wires. But they only replaced the wires and did nothing with the manifold. I mentioned that spark plug wires just don’t go bad in under 3000 miles and asked them what the root cause was. They said it could have just been a freak thing. I said, “or a Leakey exhaust gasket”. I told them I will be bringing it back after our next trip and we will call Workhorse and get the go-a-head to do the job right.
But I have it and it is running like new again. Just hope it will last until I get it back to them.
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
The internet is a great thing
From Gunship Guy, as written on RV.NETs “The Open Road Forum”
Posted: 6/1/2004 6:14pm
I've been reading everyone's stories about their camping adventures this past Memorial Day weekend. I spent my weekend flying combat missions over Iraq and thoroughly missing my wife, sons, and camping.
I'm thankful that we are able to get internet access in this hell hole. I log on once in a while to read about anything related to RV'ing. Your stories have made me a bit jealous, but I appreciate those who've taken the time to share their experiences. If I can't be out there camping with my family it's still nice reading about others who are.
I'm halfway through my 6th deployment over here since 9/11. I'll be home for the last half of my sons' summer vacation. We'll catch up on the camping they've been missing these last few months. Please continue to share your camping stories. Some of us over here who are avid campers really enjoy your shared experiences.
Monday, May 31, 2004
Where is all my stuff?
Saturday, May 29, 2004
It cost money to sell a house
Too bad I have to waist a holiday weekend working on the house. Might as well, the Aerbus is in the shop.
Oh yeah! I almost forgot to tell you. We have lined up a job as Camp Hosts at Carlsbad State Beach when we come back to Southern California for the Holidays in Nov and Dec of 2005. That’s two months of free living. Christmas will be good. If they like us, and how could they not, we will be in for every year. What a plan huh?
Thursday, May 27, 2004
It's in the shop

Pechanga Campground Resort in Temecula, CA
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
OH NO, I got a miss!
I got some email asking what type of prep I need(ed) to do to go fulltime. I will be writing a page on the logistics (as I know it) of become a fulltimer.
Stay tuned.
Friday, May 21, 2004
Temecula, CA
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Hard to say goodbye

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Sunday, May 16, 2004
The Toad
We went to the Saturn dealer and requested a 2000 to 2003 Silver SC2 with an automatic transmission. We also gave them a max price. Richard said, we will find you one. About a month later he called and said he found one. I went to check it out and it was a beauty. Saturn does not just sell used cars. They sell reconditioned cars. It has new tires, brakes, battery and a complete turn up and fluid change. And then they detailed it. It is the next best thing to a new car. Everything we wanted. This car was about $1000 higher than our max but they agreed to sell it to us for our price. All I can say is, it was money well spent. We have towed it once so far for about 300 miles and it tows exceptional well.

Click on photo to enlarge
Saturday, May 15, 2004
Choosing the right realtor
I took the Mustang to a rebuilder to see if I have it priced right. Turns out I have it listed for about $1,000 high so I reduced the price. I hope someone buys it soon. I really need to sell it before we have to be out of the house. Use the link to the left to see the Mustangs web page.
Sunday, May 9, 2004
The emotions start
Watching the Travel Channel makes it all go away however. After all, it’s not like we will never have it again. For what we can get for our house here in San Diego County, California we can pay cash for a nice place just about anywhere and have enough left over to live on for many years.
New addition to Random Thoughts
Wednesday, May 5, 2004
A Realtor is coming by tomorrow to talk about selling the house. We may list it next month. I don't plan on being out before September so if it sells quickly I will have to adjust the escrow accordingly.
I called Alternative Resources , a mail forwarding service in So. Dakota today, to ask them about changing residency and registering the motorhome before I have to pay California's outrageous fees. They say I have to show up within 90 days to get my drivers license. Don't know if I can make it there by then.
Tuesday, May 4, 2004
New link, Random Thoughts
Monday, May 3, 2004
Sure is Hot today
Sunday, May 2, 2004
We have more room
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Marty has no arms
A must Read! Very Inspirational and quite a Man!
I recently met a gentleman here in our campground. He camped in the space right across from me. He had a small pickup and travel trailer. The gentleman was outgoing and very friendly. He was the perfect neighbor and camper. His name was Marty. He's quite intelligent and a pleasure to converse with.
Marty has no arms. This gentleman drove in towing his trailer, parked it and unhitched it by himself. This is something you or I could probably not do with great amount of practice. I watched him in absolute amazement. Later the first evening I looked over and he had a campfire going! I walked over to visit and see if he needed anything. Hid rply was thanks but he was fine and thanked me for asking. After talking to Marty for some time I asked him right out. How do you drive with no arms? He quickly showed me how he drove with his left foot which sat in a cradle and was linked to the steering column with a chain mechanism. He had extensions on things like the turn signals and igniton etc he could activate/work with his mouth and a small (6-7" long) what he called his "little arm" on his right side. This man was amazing, full of wit and a very friendly person to be around. I enjoyed his company during his short stay. He cooked his nown dinner and quite frankly did everything you and I can do.
I tell this story because from now on everytime I think I'm having a rough day or having trouble backing or whatever it may be, I'll think of Marty. He made quite an impression on me. We take so many things for granted nowadays. There wasn't much he couldn't do. I don't think Marty is handicapped at all. I think the rest of us are. There are times where we complain or say "I just can't do it". Marty doesn't, he just goes on and does it and with a smile at that! We were talking and I had mentioned how my arm and shoulder was hurting after unloading the last load of firewood that was delivered here. He laughed at me and said next time call him and he's help or do it for me! Ya know what? I believe him. I had said to myself....... self now why did you go and say something like that!? He thought it was humerous.
I'm probably not telling this well but hopefully you get my drift. People like Marty are a rare breed and he left a lasting impression with me. His smile and laugh and ability to travel as he does is quite an inspiration. If you happen to run accross him, stop and say hi to one genuine happy, mart and capable person. You won't be sorry of the encounter.
The next time you have a hard time hooking up, backing, cooking, building a fire or just having a hard time smiling just think of Marty Quite that gentleman he is.
The day Marty left I walked over and offered to help him hookup. He looked at me with his smile and asked me.... what do you think I can't do it? (with a chuckle I might ad) I said no sir but just thought I'd offer. By the time I was done talking he was hooked up and ready to roll lmao!!!!! Like I said, I don't think Marty is handicapped. I think the rest of the world is Go Marty Go!
A Link to the firedude's adventures!
Retired Fire Captain.. Yessss!
2002 Chevy 2500HD 8.1, 4.10 w/ Allison 5 Spd,
Firestone 5,000 lb. Ride rite Air Bags
Keystone Challenger 31RLB - Prodigy BC
Reese 16K Quick slide
Verizon Wireless National Access - Air555 Card
Shorty & Little Ann - "Camp Host Dogs"
Full timing and loving it!
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Selling the Classic

Monday, April 26, 2004
In the beginning
We are actually not fulltimers yet but I thought I would start this log now to let you all know what is involved in the preparation of going fulltime. The plan is to hit the road no later than January 2005. We will be leaving sooner if we can get everything in order early.