
Our New House
It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Post Cards
Friday, January 28, 2005
We are still in Yuma

Are our motorhomes getting bigger or are the sites getting smaller. We thought the Indio Rally was tight. We at least had room to put the patio awning out. We are so tight here we can reach out our window and shake hands with our neighbor. The sites are gravel, the power is only 30 amps, there is no cable TV, and the end of the US Marine Corps Air Station runway is right across the street with jets taking off and landing all day. Other than that, the park is very clean, well taken care of, and everyone is very friendly. We are having a good time. And besides, we just noticed on the news that it is raining back home and it is sunny and beautiful here and the sunsets are killer.
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I mentioned in the previous writing that we might not get to do what we came here for, well all is back on. The Bus Nuts have room for us at their rally so we will be sticking around for that and the Rexhall picnic after.
We are on Arizona time here. It is similar to Day Light Savings Time which should not be a problem. The problem is, during Day Light Savings Time everything and everyone change. Here we have to be aware that we are 1 hour ahead of our friends and family in California and our Satellite TV is 1 hour behind. We plan to change Sat TV feed when we get closer to the east.
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Welcome to Yuma
We found out today that we may have come to Yuma for no reason at all. We were suppose to hook up with the “Bus Nuts” for a rally next week and then head over to the Rexhall Picnic. Well looks like the Bus Nuts rally may be maxed out and there is no room for us. This means we will have to hang out for two weeks for the picnic. As much as we enjoy the Rexhall people, we really don’t want to hang out here for two weeks just to attend a half day picnic. If we can’t get in to the rally we will probably just head on down the road.
The park we are in is a 55+ park. I guess they bend the rules a bit because they didn’t turn us away at our young age of 52. The park is really nice. It is a Snow Bird Park. There are quite a few permanent trailers that have out of state cars parked beside them. We have noticed a lot from Canada.
I found out why this park has spaces available when all the other parks are full. This park is right across the road from the Yuma Marine Corps Air Station and International Airport. We need to pause our conversations often because we can’t be heard over the jet noise. I hope they take a break at night so we can get some sleep. Let’s see, the last place was generators running all night and the place before that was Interstate truck traffic. What’s next?
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Just some photos

Did I tell you the cactus around here is tall?
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Nothing but top notch entertainment around here.
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I caught this vendors dog just hanging out watching all the people going by.
We visited the Big RV Show here in Quartzsite today. They say they expect over 100,000 people to attend the show. I think they all were there today. The phone cells are so overloaded around here, you have to keep trying to get a call through. We have big plans for tomorrow. We plan to do absolutely NOTHING.
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Friday, January 21, 2005
Swap Meets Galore

I spent the day checking out some of the MANY swap meets today. Susan was not feeling well (Bad Cold) so she stayed back at the motorhome. I thought it was a sales pitch when I read, "If you can't find it here, it doesn't exist." I am beginning to believe it now. The top photo is a collage of some antiques I found and the photo below is from a booth that was selling animal parts. Why? I had to ask. Apparently people use them for many reasons such as decorations, taxidermists that are in need of some parts and who knows what. This place is filling up. We have about 10 other RVs around us now.
The desert is green. It is unbelievable how much color there is after all the rains. Some of the wild flowers are in bloom but it is still too early for the big showing. The evening skies are just awesome. The hills light up with the setting sun and the skies fill with pinks, reds, and orange color with contrasting giant cactus in the foreground. My little digital camera just does not do it Justus.
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Good Bye California

Today is a monumental day for us. We left California today and will not see it for another 9 months. But what really makes it monumental is that when we do arrive back in California we will no longer be California residents. You see, when we arrive in South Dakota we will be changing our residents for a number of reasons such as taxes, vehicle registration, and insurance.
We are in Quartzsite Arizona for a few days. There are way more RVs here than at the Indio rally. The difference is, they are not crowded in because there are hundreds of thousands of acres to park in. There are only 3 other RVs around us but I figure there will be a bit more when the weekend gets here. We are situated where we can see the Highway off ramp and there has been a steady stream of RVs all day. We have seen anything from Million Dollar Prevost Motorcoaches to Old converted school busses and everything in between.
Who says living in an RV is challenging? Here we are in the middle of the desert with no hoses, pipes, wires, or cords, yet I have over 200 channels on my TV, Telephone, Electricity, Running water, and internet. I love modern technology.
There is so much going on here that it could take days to see it all. The whole town has turned into one big giant swap meet. There are bands playing, Antique car and tractor shows, Vender booths all over the place and this weekend will be one of the biggest RV shows around. We plan to stay until Monday but who knows…
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Same house different scenery

Our work is done at the Indio Rally so we moved on down the road. We are in Blythe CA now, right on the Colorado River that separates California from Arizona. I thought we would have a nice river front site with a beautiful view of the river. Well we did get a river front site but our view is of the bridge crossing the river. It is kind of fun watching all the motorhomes crossing over the bridge though. We do have full hookups and have a chance to get everything cleaned up and relax for a few days before heading out in the desert.

This is the view from our front window.
Saturday, January 15, 2005
I found them!

Have you ever wondered where all those motorhomes are going that you see on the road. I think I found them. There are over 2,000 motorhomes here. The photo shows only a slice of what is here. There are just as many on the other side. If you look carefully behind the row of palm trees you will see them in the overflow area. They even had them parked along the streets around here.
Tomorrow is another travel day. Susan and I were going to head on out to Quartzsite Arizona but decided that since Quartzsite will be "Dry Camping" (That's no water, electric, and sewer) we will be stopping at Blythe, CA for 4 nights of full hookups to get cleaned up, then off to Quartzsite. The Aerbus and Saturn are still a mess from the rains. I just can't stand it any longer. I need to clean them up.
We got a call from some friends we met while at Pechanga today. They wanted to let us know where they were and have us stop by to see them. They say some other friends from Pechanga have come out to stay a while. They are in Paso Robles, AZ right now. We also got an invite to join a rally put on by the Bus Nuts in Yuma in a few weeks. What a life huh? So our plans are to hang out in Quartzsite for a while then head on down to Yuma then out to Paso Robles. We had planed to meet up with some other friends in Yuma anyway so it works out good.

Our work is done here. We had such a great time driving the trams here at the rally that we signed up for next year. Who says we don’t work. I just never thought I would be working for free and enjoying it so much.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Swamp Buggies

Although it looks like we are living in the swamps, it really isn't too terribly bad. Sure it is wet and sloppy in places but mostly on the paths coming in and out because of all the motorhomes and vehicles traveling them. The only bad thing about where the motorhome is parked is that they mowed the grass before we showed up so all the wet grass clipping stick to our shoes and like to follow us inside the coach. The sun was out most of the day today and it is already starting to dry out. I think by the time we are ready to leave it will be dry enough so we won't have to go mud bogging.
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They parked us nose to nose which is backward from what we are used to. This means that when you wake in the morning and throw open your front window curtains, you are staring right into the front window of your neighbors coach. As you can see in the above photo, there are some pretty old coaches near us. They are actually members of a club called the Bus Nuts. These are old converted greyhound and city busses. Some are done real nice and some look like they had a real hard time getting here.
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As you can see, there is no shortage of coaches here. And this is only the volunteers. The show doesn't start until tomorrow. There is a very large parking lot across from the fair grounds that will fill up fast. At least the weather has cleared up and it should be warm and dry for the show.
Susan and I attended our tram drivers training today. As you may know, we have volunteered to drive trams for the show. I will be the driver and Susan will be sitting on the back as my spotter. After driving 36 feet of motorhome with another 20 feet of car behind it, the tram was fairly easy. However tomorrow with about 5000 people wandering the streets it could be quite a challenge. We have the 4:30 to 6:30 shift everyday of the show. They say we should be able to do a round trip every 15 minutes so that's about 8 trips a day.
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Western Area RV Rally
Sunday, January 9, 2005
Rain Rain go away
We had a very nice visit with some friends from our home town of Oceanside, CA today. They relocated to Palm Springs about a year ago and love it here. You can see there picture on our Friends Along The Way page using the link to the left.
Saturday, January 8, 2005
Just not enough time

I told you things were a little tight around here. Good thing for the empty site across from us or it would have been a trick getting in here. So far the site has remained open so I can get out the same way I got in. You can tell by the photo that things are a little wet around here. It has really not been to bad. Just a off and on drizzle for a few days.
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This is a photo of how it was when we got here. We had about 2 days of nice weather. The scenery of the snow on the mountains with the palms in the desert is awesome.
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There is lots to see around here. This is a general store from the past. All this stuff is authentic from it's time and most containers still have it's original contents. Too bad we don't have more time. We have to be in Indio Monday to take a drivers training course for our volunteer tram driving jobs at the FMCA rally next week. I am sure we will be passing through here sometime in the future. Hopefully the weather will be better and we will have more time for sight seeing.
Tomorrow we will visit with some friends from back home that have relocated here in Palm Springs. We are looking forward to seeing them again. Then Monday morning it will be traveling day once again.
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Palm Springs

Well we made it to Palm Springs. To be honest, yesterday, about noon, would have been a better day to travel. Instead I paid a visit to the local Urgent Care Center in Temecula. I had enough of this finger and decided I needed to know if it was broken. After a Doctors exam and 3 X-Rays, turns out there are no fractures so I am just going to have to grin and bare it until it heals. Anyway, the drive here was good. A little drizzle on the way and a detour around a flood, but we made it. Had to drive through a small river across the road and got a nice layer of mud on the Saturn. After hooking up I cleaned the mud off the Saturn and the Motorhome so we're all clean again.
I wish I did a little research on the parks around here. We are at Happy Traveler RV Park, on a recommendation, and are happy but it is a little tight and pricey. Also there is no internet hookup so I will be limited to my free nights and weekends for internet through the cell phone. The good thing is, it is within walking distance to down town Palm Springs. Yeah, Like we're really going to walk.
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Monday, January 3, 2005
It’s raining, It’s pouring, the old man is snoring

Today was supposed to be travel day but when I woke this morning it was pouring, so this old man just turned over and continued snoring. We have the luxury to travel on good days and stay put on days like today. I can't even get to the office to pay for today because of the 10 foot wide river in front of the motorhome. I called and let them know I would be in to pay when the river subsides.
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