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I have been told that Niagara Falls is a place that we had to see. I thought to myself, "OK, so there is a lot of places I need to see." Well, after seeing it for my self, I see what everyone was talking about. This is just one of those things that can NOT be described.
We started our tour of the falls by visiting all the view points around the falls. I was totally awed at the power and amount of water that goes over the falls. The absolute must do while at Niagara is the Maid of the Mist boat ride. This is a 30 minute boat ride that takes you right into the Horseshoe falls. They nudge in as close as they safely can and hold the boat there for about 15 minutes. Needless to say, you get totally soaked from the mist off the falls. The view of the water coming over Horseshoe falls is incredible! It has to be the closes thing to what Moses saw during the parting of the seas. Now, I know I have been lacking at updating the photo page, but the photos of the falls, especially from the Maid of the Mist, are a must see. So you must go to our photo page and see the photos of Niagara Falls.