Well we took the long 30 minute journey to Oceano/Pismo today. Susan doesn’t understand my reasoning for traveling less than ½ hour a day. It makes perfect sense to me. I get to see different scenery, experience different climates, meet new people, and only have to drive 30 minutes every couple of days. Life is good!

Speed Limit on the beach
Today we took a walk out on one of the few “Drive on” beaches in California. We have never seen so many sand dollars in one place. They were all over the place. People were gathering them like they were real dollars. They had bags full, which I think is wrong. These are living creatures and should be left alone. I walked up to one lady who had a bag full and said, “those are still alive you know.” Her reply was, “Yeah, some of them are.” Apparently some people don’t care. I took some too,

Sand Dollars on the beach
in pictures only. I let them lye as they were.

We will be here for only 2 nights although we wanted to stay longer. They have a big group coming in that will take up the whole RV area so we will be moving on another 20 minutes down the road.
The weather is surprisingly nice for being near the central coast of California. It is usually cooler and foggy around here.
When I looked at the flag to the left to see the forecast it said, “Smoke”. Never seen that one before. There are some fires going on in Southern California that are affecting the air. We woke this morning to the sun shinning through smoky skies.