

Our New House

It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.

Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…

We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.

I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.

So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.

Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.

I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I broke the rules

Yes, I broke one of my fulltimer rules today. The rule is, 2X2X2. What this is, is drive no more than 200 miles a day, get off the road by 2:00p, and stay for at least 2 days. Our usual trip from San Diego to Lake Havasu City includes a stopover in Indio. When I reached Indio today, the wind was at my back, the motorhome was running great, and I was comfortable so I kept on going. 5 ½ hour later, 325 miles later we were in Lake Havasu City. I was going to stop in Ehrenburg for propane, a sandwich, and a short break but the Flying J was so packed I stopped long enough for a potty break and got the heck out of there. I then remember once before saying I would never stop there again. Well here we are, back in Lake Havasu City. We had a big meeting on our patio this evening as all our friends came to welcome us back.

Friday, December 28, 2007

I hate to burst their bubble

We meet all kinds of interesting people here at the campground. It kind of reminds me of my old bartending days. Some are real nice genuine people and some are just plane weirdoes. The ones that continue to crack me up are the ones that are living in their own fantasy world. Last year, for instance, we had a guy living in the campground in a little pink Barbie tent. I don’t even know how he fit inside. He would tell me how he owns a few racehorses over at the Del Mar Race Track. One day I saw him across the street pushing a shopping cart full of aluminum cans he had collected. Just the other day I had to shut down a fellow that was playing an electric guitar. He was telling me he has over 60 rare guitars and gets $60 an hour setting up Rolling Stone concerts. He lives in an old motorhome with a busted window. He also rides around the campground on his bike in a UPS uniform. These people are living in their own fantasy world and I don’t want to be the one to tell them otherwise. If they want to be a millionaire in their own mind, who am I to tell them otherwise. I just listen and smile.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Getting ready for the move

Tomorrow is packing day and Saturday we are out of here. I am excited to get back on the road again, even if it is just to Lake Havasu where we will sit for a month. One month I can handle, three months was just too long. Who knows, we may not sit for a month. You never know when something may come up. We will be free to travel. It has been getting pretty cold here at the beach. I went out to temperatures in the 30s this morning. It never got over 55º today. It is a good thing we are moving because I just checked the propane the other day and we are close to having no hot water.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Winding down

We are on the down hill slope now. We have one more week to go here at the Campground. I am defiantly ready. This is the longest period we have stayed put in all the time we have been full timing. You learn from experiences and we have learned that 3 months is too long. We are signed up for our usual 2 months next year.

Susan has just finished her Christmas baking and the motorhome is filled with cookies and fudge. She has made up plates of goodies for all our friends. Yesterday we delivered some to the Park Aids, Rangers, and other Camp Hosts here at the park. She also made a batch for my homeless friends I make here every year. They sure appreciate that.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Not on my watch

Not much happens on the weekdays this time of year. We are less than ¼ full and everyone is well behaved. Today would have been another ho hum day here at the campground. Well not quite. I was on my rounds and noticed a pool company truck parked in one of the sites. I though this was a bit unusual since no one seemed to be around and there was no tent or camping gear. I just figured it was a visitor to another site and let it go for now. After an hour I got a little more suspicious so I walked into the site to look for a campsite tag or visitors pass on the truck. I spotted the campsite tag and noticed a person lying on the front seat of the truck. Still a little unusual I thought but nonetheless he was registered so I went to the entrance station to see if they needed anything. While at the entrance a Sheriff car came speeding into the campground, lights flashing and siren blasting. I followed the Sheriff car through the campground and they headed right for the pool company truck. Both deputies got out, guns drawn and moved to the front of the truck. Not much I could do at this point so I went back to block the entrance to that part of the campground. Soon 5 or 6 more patrol cars showed up along with a fire truck and an ambulance. Seems the guy checked in to the campsite to check out. In other words he attempted suicide with drugs and alcohol. I still am not sure how the Sheriffs knew he was there. The only thing I can figure is he made a 911 call. I guess he’s all right but he is now on our BOL (be on the lookout) list.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Much better

My back is much better and I am back to my normal antics again. I still have a little pinching in the back but that should go away soon. Man, I was hurting for a while.

Well we are ready for Christmas. Susan has got the shopping done, notice I say Susan, and the tree and decorations are up.

We get quite a few looks from the camper that pass by the motorhome since we have displays on the dash and a small lighted tree on the steering wheel table. All that’s left is the goodies. Susan always bakes up a storm with all kinds of Christmas goodies. Most are given away to friends and family.

It’s been getting pretty cold around here, relatively speaking. I know it is miserably cold in other parts of the country but when I have to go out to do my morning check at 7:00a and it’s 41°, that’s cold to me. It might get up into the high 50s to low 60s for a while during the day but by 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon it starts to chill out again. At least we are cozy with our fireplace in the evenings.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Laid up

Well the storm came and went. Not much of a storm this time. The weather has taken a turn for the better. Although it is still chilly, the sun is shining and there is not a cloud in the sky. This is very aggravating for me because my back is giving my fits. I have had degenerative arthritis of the spine for quite some time and for the most part it is fine. Heck sometimes I don’t even notice it at all, or maybe I just got used to always having a little back pain. Well since the weather was bad all three weekend days, I did nothing but sit inside and cruise the internet. This is the worst thing I could do for my back. Activity seems to keep it limber. Well I woke Sunday morning with a pretty sore back and just happened to flinch just right to send it into spasms. I could barely move all day yesterday. Today is better but I still am moving kind of slow and not making any sudden moves. It should be back to normal, for me, in a couple of days. Fortunately I have been off duty from Saturday and don’t go back on until Tuesday afternoon. I will still be moving a little slow but at least I should be able to make my rounds.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

New storm

They (the national weather service) say that we are in for a good storm this weekend. I have gone around and warned some of the tent campers. We also had some early checkouts today. Some campers were due out tomorrow but decided to pack it up today rather than in the rain tomorrow. Also according to our reservation service there are 43 cancellations for tomorrow. I have read two different forecasts for the weekend. One says very bad storm and the other is a lot more less threatening. I have put things away and rolled up the awnings and am prepared for the worst. I just hope it isn’t too bad tomorrow morning since I have the AM shift. After that it can do what it wants because we have the next 3 days off. Here are a few photos from last weeks storms.

Our beach disappeared because of high tide. This poor girl was trying to walk her dog on what used to be a beach.

Note the water line on the cliffs as the tide goes out.

Here is a photo of some of the erosion in the park. These trees have given way to the sea.

And of course storms always mean killer sunsets.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

No not Hawaii

This is a photo of the surf off the coast just north of the campground this morning. As you can see, many surfers braved the challenging waves to get that big ride. We had big surf last year also and there were many rescues and one death but this year it hasn’t been bad. There were plenty of lifeguards on duty including many in the surf on Jet Skis. By noon most of the surfers were gone and the Skis were on their trailers. Tomorrow will be some of the same but the waves are going to be diminishing in the next few days. This weekend we are expecting more rain though. We just got cleaned up from the rain last weekend.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What a mess

What a weekend. I woke Friday morning to the sound of rain on the roof of the motorhome. It was still a while before I needed to do my morning rounds so I laid there listening to the rain. By luck, the rain slowed by the time I went to do my rounds. We were expecting over 100 campers to arrive Friday afternoon but the steady rain all day kept most away. Some called and canceled and some called saying they would show if the rain let up but most didn’t call at all. The ones that did show found some sites flooded and some impossible to get into due to the washed out transition from the road to campsite. One even had to call a tow truck after driving into a deep rut. By night fall the rain really started to fall. The 10 X 20 canopy in our site filled with water and came down with a crash, bending a few poles. The wind blew over some of the rain soaked bamboo fencing in our site. By morning the rain had stopped but the damage was done. The roads were filled with mud and campsites were a mess. Since the rain stopped the campers started to show up. We filled up pretty good with all the late arrivals wanting to at least get their 1 night out of 2 in. Even though the sites were a mess and some still filled with mud, the campers seemed to have a good time. Well it is now Sunday evening and most have gone home now. Monday should be a slow day as it usually is this time of year. I have mended fences and will pick up a few parts to repair the canopy. At least the rain did a good job washing the dirt and ocean off the motorhome. Now all I need to do is apply a coat of wax. The weather report is saying we will get more rain next weekend. Hopefully it will be a bit lighter than the last.