Things are happening fast right now.Today there was lots of activity on the Casita.
It went from a cement slab to a big brown box. They may take a day off tomorrow off since it is New Years Day but it won’t be long before it has a roof.
In the mean time we moved to a different lot yesterday. It’s just across the street from the lot we were in when we first arrived last Sunday. We will be here until Friday when we move again. That should be our final move until we take off for NASCAR.

Our New House
It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Lots of activity
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Got Wood
We got wood today. The wood showed up for our casita so they could get started framing. The wood showed up but the framers didn’t. There was only one of the three here today. He was just going to do some layout but
I pitched in and we got at least three walls up. I hear the subcontractors are hurting for work so hopefully they will get right on the job and this thing will come together fast.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
We’re back
We are back in Havasu. The drive was a good one with good weather all the way. We did see a pretty bad looking accident around the Palm Springs area though. Looks as though someone with a large fifth wheel trailer lost control, spun it around and laid it over on its side, truck and all. I hope no one got hurt. Fortunately we were alerted on the CB radio about the accident and were told a way around it. The traffic was backed up for quite a way and we missed it all by taking the CBers suggestion. Probably saved us an hour at least of bumper to bumper, stop and go (mostly stop) traffic.
We got lucky and got the use of a friends lot free of charge. It is only for about 10 days but after we got here and was talking to another neighbor, they said they are pulling out in a week and we can use their lot. So it looks like we are covered until we leave in February for some NASCAR fun.They finally got the cement poured on our lot. A friend has been kind enough to take lots of pictures while we were gone. I talked to one of the framers and he said they will hopefully be getting the lumber next week and can start framing. I am sure once they know we are here and waiting, things will go a bit faster.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Ready to move on
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Can’t use our lot

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Global Warming
Broke again

Monday, December 15, 2008
Scary drive
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I thought I was done with kids. Last night, Reese, our daughter’s dog, decided at 3:00am that she wanted to climb in bed with us. After several attempts to send her away,I finally got up, took her out to go potty and tucked her back into her own bed where she stayed the rest of the night.
Just like my grandson, Reese can ware you out.It’s a constant game of fetch, keep away, and tug-a-war with her. She just loves to play.
For the last 3 days I have been detailing the motorhome. I have just about finished the front cap now. That’s right, the front cap is all I have got done in 3 days. Of course I only work on it a couple of hours a day but it is quite a process. I have neglected it for too long and there is a build up if filth that needs to be cleaned away. I start with some black streak remover and clean the whole surface. This pretty much gets rid of filth and leaves a good white surface. Next I go back over it with a good cleaner wax to clean further and leave a good wax coat. After the waxing I go over it all again with a damp sponge then buff it out with a dry towel to get rid of all the wax swirls. After the big surfaces are all done, it’s time for the trim and details including bringing the bright white silicone caulking back to bright white. I even coated the windows with Rain-X. The next 3 days I might tackle the rear cap. The sides are going to be a big job, if I don’t run out of energy by then.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Gas price
As I drove past the Chevron station down the street this morning I noted the price. Since I was going to run a few errands today and one was to fill the tank, I thought I would keep an eye out for the best price. Yesterday the price was $1.95, down from $2.05 the day before. This morning it was down further to $1.93. After running around all morning I was done with all my errands and on my way back to the motorhome. One more station to check since I was in the neighborhood and knew this station was usually lower than most in town. $1.79! Wow I thought. How can they be that much lower than the rest? Of course I filled up and even considered uprooting the motorhome and filling it up also at $1.79. On the way back to the motorhome I passed the first station where I saw $1.93 in the morning. $1.79! Amazing!
Sunday, November 30, 2008

The rest of the weekend’s weather was perfect. The rains went away and the sun came out. We just have so much fun with our friends. Can’t wait until we meet again.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Mission Bay San Diego
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Educated ants
I forgot how smart the ants are around here. It wasn’t long after we parked and setup that the ants were marching their way up our hoses and cables. I took care of them with a little Vaseline around the hoses and cables.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Back in Vista
We are back in Vista California for the Holidays. We will be here until just after Christmas then head back to Havasu to do the finishing touches on the Casita we are having built on our lot. The contractor has been patiently waiting for us to vacate the lot so they can get in there and start construction. The first step will be to cut the concrete pad to run utilities and pour the foundation.I had to pull out my cactus garden and have my lawn relocated.
The lawn looks real good in its new location. This has become some REAL expensive lawn with the initial cost and now the cost of relocation.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Great day
We just had a great day. Our friend took us out on the boat today. It couldn’t be a better day. The temperature was in the mid 80s and not a bit of wind. We headed on over to Copper Canyon.I’m sure you have heard of Copper Canyon in Lake Havasu. This is the cove where everyone heads to party and do some rock diving. They climb up the cliffs and dive off. It gets so jammed with boats they tie off to each other and people literally walk from boat to boat. Today, being it is winter, the cove was empty and we had the place to ourselves. We anchored off and brought out the food. What a spread.
After having lunch in the cove we headed for the channel where the famous London Bridge is.
The lake was so smooth and calm. All that and I even made a little in the stock market today. Life CAN be good in these tough times.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Lots of wind
We had LOTS of wind today. I thought my slide awning was going to blow off. Our new patio furniture blew off the lot into the rocks and got all scratched up. Fortunately a little bottle of touch up paint came with the furniture and I think I can make most of the scars go away. We were going to have a little get together tonight but called it off. It has died down a bit from this afternoon and should continue to mellow out in the next couple of days.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A few minor changes
I was hoping they would work around our cactus garden but was told it has to go. I will just have to rebuild it when they are done. I was considering moving our lawn myself until I realized how heavy it is. When they install it, they lay the carpet of grass out, stake it down then fill it with a lot of sand. Even if I got a few guys to help out, it would still be quite a chore. The weather is finally changing to winter around here. It is getting into the 50s at night and cooler during the days.

Monday, November 10, 2008
My position in today's economy
As I watch the stock market fall lower and lower, I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing by quitting my job, selling the house, investing my money and going fulltime. Then I remember that everything I own is paid off, I don’t have a job that I have to worry about loosing and living in an RV is as cheap as you want to make it. I also remember that my loss in the stock market is only on paper and as hard as it is to NOT pull out I am staying in for the long run. It will come back and I will not suffer any loss from today’s economy. So I sit here next to my motorhome at our resort in the warm Arizona sun feeling pretty good about my decision.
After a blustery day yesterday, today was great. The morning started out cool and calm, and warmed up real nice during the day. It is supposed to improve from here for the rest of the week.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Race Day

So why didn’t we just pack up the motorhome and head on over to Phoenix this weekend for the race. After all it’s only about 3 hours away. Well that is a different story. There are things we as owners have requested here in the RV Resort that aren’t in the budget so we are taking it upon our selves to raise the money. So this weekend Susan and our neighbor Sally organized a Block Party in the Resort. One of the streets was blocked off and everyone was asked to bring a dish (main, salad, or desert) and a dollar donation and join in.

Thursday, November 6, 2008
No time change for us
Reminds me of the time I showed up for a motorhome factory tour and was told I was an hour early. Seem during the short 10 minute drive, I crossed into a different time zone.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Camp Host?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Glad it’s not a house
I am glad I am just building a 144 sq ft casita instead of a 1440 sq foot house. It is unbelievable the planning that goes into one of these things. I am on my 3rd set of plans now. Seems every time I want to do something it get shot down because of code. Also every change I make affects something else. One simple change starts to snowball. I think I am finally on my last set of plans. I didn’t intend on purchasing any of the inside fixtures until we get back here in January but the vanity we want went on clearance this week so I snatched it up. My neighbor is nice enough to store it in his casita until I need it. I got to admit I am a bit anal about this thing but I don’t want to have it built and find something I wish I had done different. I know no matter how much planning I do I will still find something, but hopefully it will me minor.
I thought I destroyed my computer the other day. I have been fighting a charging problem, which I discovered was a broken solder joint. So I decided to go in and fix it. This was not an easy task because the Mainboard is the last thing that comes out of my laptop. Lots of screws and lots of parts. Keeping track of where they all go was quite a task. Well when I got it all back together I was pleased to see I had no parts left over however when I switched it on…NOTHING! Oh CRAP! Now what? I took it all apart again looking for something I failed to plug in. Nothing was found so back together it went again in hopes this time it will come alive. No luck. I had just about thrown in the towel but didn’t want to admit defeat so it came apart again. This time I discovered I didn’t close the CPU socket. I knew right away this was the problem but couldn’t help wonder if I screwed it up by not having the CPU clamped in. After putting everything back together I hit the switch. IT’S WORKING! That was a close call.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
It’s time

When we got back to Havasu this time I noticed our patio furniture has not survived the intense sun. Even though we cover it while gone just the time we are here and it is not covered has taken its toll. So since it is the end of the season (somewhere, not here in Havasu) Sears had all their patio furniture on sale for half off.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
White knuckle ride
Susan and I finally made it back to Havasu today. I was going to drive straight through from Bakersfield to Havasu yesterday (5.5 hours, yeah…I know) but I was tired of fighting the wind. Good thing I didn’t because I guess it was pretty bad around here, like 45 mph sustained winds. We stopped at our regular stop in Yermo/Barstow and got an early start this morning. Made it almost all the way to Needles with no wind then had a good amount of wind all the way to Havasu. They say it was pretty bad around here while we were gone. Glad we missed it.
My 55 mph test came up with some interesting results. I maintained mostly 55 mph all the way to the rally. After filling up I calculated we got 8.9 mpg. Not bad but not much more than the 7.8 mpg I usually average. There is another factor here though. During this drive we didn’t tow the car. I calculated on another test drive that without the car I only picked up 0.5 mpg. So I figured running at 55 mph I only picked up 0.6 mpg. On the way back I decided to run it at 65 mph. I usually run it at around 63 mph. The results were 8.5 mpg, and this was bucking winds most of the way. So 8.5 mpg running at 65 and 8.9 mpg running at 55, not enough to slow down.
Monday, October 13, 2008
I hate Wind
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Back in Orange Grove

Friday, October 10, 2008
At the rally

We have arrived here at San Antonio Lake near Paso Robles California yesterday. The weather has been in the cool 60s during the day and 40s at night, a far cry from the deserts and Lake Havasu City. Our air conditioners are finally getting a few days off. There are about 16 RVs at the SAL rally here. Twenty were expected but the price of gas and the state of the economy has most played a roll in keeping them away. We are having a great time hanging with some friends that we only see twice a year here at the SAL Rallies.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Still traveling

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I can’t drive 55

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Not much happening so far

and watch the weather roll through. There is usually more to do around here but all the Snowbirds haven’t shown up yet. I have been doing some much needed cleaning of the motorhome and car. In a couple of weeks we are heading back to California for an RV rally. It will be a week trip and then we will come back here to Havasu. There should be more people here by the time we get back.
I just read that the Rexhall Homecoming Rally (not the one we are going to) has been canceled due to lack of interest. I doubt it is lack of interest because the ones we attended were really fun. It is most likely the economy. Usually these rallies draw around 300 motorhomes from around the country. They have only had 12 signup this year.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Still hot
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Time to relax
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back in Havasu again

We just spent 4 great days at a friend’s house in Riverside for a 50th birthday party. We have been there before. You might remember this is the place where we pull right up next to their pool. There were 8 RVs there this weekend. I think they have had as many as 11 in the past and all on concrete on their property. Somehow when we go there we always get the choice spot next to the pool.
We left this morning and are now back in Lake Havasu City Arizona. We will be here for a few weeks, and then head back to California for an RV rally. We plan to get the motorhome detailed and carpets shampooed while here and give everything a good cleaning. It is really due.
Monday, September 1, 2008
We’ve left the track
We had a great time at the track, visiting old friends and watching the race. I just got a kick out of watching the circus in the infield. It is an experience.
I will be posting my photos soon.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Oh No

Friday, August 29, 2008
Fan Fest

Thursday, August 28, 2008
We have arrived
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ready to go
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sad story, happy ending
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Quiet again
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
What is that

Boy am I getting antsy. It’s only 3 more weeks before we head out of here but I am READY NOW. As you can tell I haven’t been writing about much lately. That’s because there has been nothing to write about. Susan has been busy however, running back and forth between her Mother’s house and here and tending to our Grandson. He has spent most of his summer with us. It’s going to be tough for him and us when we have to leave. The good thing is he will be back in school before we leave so he will have something to take his mind off of us being gone. We were hoping school didn’t start until after the NASCAR race in Fontana so we could take him with us. He would have had a ball.
The Elks Lodge RV Park has been the busiest I have ever seen it. I think more Elks are taking advantage of the Elks Lodge lower cost for RV Parking and meals to offset the fuel cost of traveling. So far this year we haven’t been displaced to the overflow to make room for a large group as we did last year.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Re-reading our past
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Older Rvers
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Trailer Trash?

Friday, July 11, 2008
What’s happening