
Our New House
It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ah..Finally a bit of relief
The stock market has really taken a hit so far this year. We are down quite a bit of money. I get a kick out of people that say aren’t you going to get out of the stock market because stocks are going down? I feel like replying, aren’t you going to sell your house because the value has gone down? Well the last two days have been good for our stocks. We have recouped some of the value. I just wish they would admit we are in a recession so we can start the recovery. It’s like an alcoholic, you are not going to recover until you admit you are one. Our property value here at Havasu RV Resort has not dropped, it has leveled out right now because people are just not buying like they have but the values haven’t dropped. Let’s face it, people who can afford several hundred thousand dollars for an RV are not hurting in the financial area.
This weekend they are having an open house here at the resort to celebrate the opening of phase 3. Paul Everet has brought in some $700,000 RVs from Laughlin Nevada and set them up on some lots for sale. I bet one could get a really good package deal. There is going to be food and other goodies. We won’t have far to go to partake.
Susan has just added another race to our NASCAR schedule. Looks like we will be heading up to Wine Country in California for the road course at Infineon Raceway near Napa. We haven’t been to this one yet so it should be a fun new experience.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Quartzsite Arizona

Friday, January 18, 2008
Well the snowbirds have arrived here in Arizona and apparently they brought their weather with them. The last couple of days it has been blustery and cold. It has been getting into the 30s at night and we are lucky if we see 50 during the day. I thought about moving on to a warmer place but where. It is cold everywhere. It should be warming up soon and before we know it, it will be downright HOT. That is the nature of the Desert.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
We have been so busy lately that I have forgotten to update the website. We have lots of friends here in Havasu and have been visiting and doing a lot with them. I have hardly found time to do my chores on the motorhome. Today I did get all the wheels polished. Thank goodness for the Power Ball I got as a Christmas present a while back. It is still a chore but saved me hours of rubbing on the wheels.
Although the weather is still cool here in Lake Havasu, we have had some nice days. It’s only going to get better from here on out.
We are planning on heading to Quartzite in a couple of weeks. We won’t be taking the motorhome though. We are riding out with some friends for the day. A couple of years ago Susan and I spent a week in Quartzite. It takes a couple of days to see everything there.Susan spotted this golf cart here in the Resort right away. She just had to take a picture of it. Good thing they want too much for it or she would be hounding me to buy it to add to her ever growing NASCAR collection.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Cruisin’ the lake
The weather changes day to day this time of year in Lake Havasu City. One day it will be warm with no wind and the next day it will be cold and very windy. We should be getting rain this weekend.
We have been busy. We have not spent one whole day at home since we got here. We’re always going somewhere and doing something.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year
The year closed with us back in Lake Havasu Arizona. We spent New Years Eve at a party at a friend’s house. The weather was absolutely great the day we arrived and the day after, however it has got cool and real windy for the last 2 days. This is typical for this area this time of year though. Soon it will warm up and keep on going into downright hot. We will enjoy the transition in the next couple of months.