I guess I didn’t mention it but the night Susan ran into the gate, she was going over to spend the evening with her favorite NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson.

It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
We have arrived at Sam’s Town RV Park in Las Vegas today. After dropping off the rental car this morning we got on the road by 8:30a. Not bad. We had a good drive and made it to Las Vegas in about 4 hours. We will hang out here at Sam’s Town until Wednesday when we head on over to the Race Track where we will spend the rest of the week. Tomorrow I am going to call the Saturn dealer here to see if they do collision repairs. If so we will swing by on our way back to Havasu since it is on the way to see if it can be repaired and get an estimate. We have sure been getting a lot of attention with a busted up car parked by the motorhome. It is amazing what stress can do to you. I never stress over anything until this car incident. The stress must have lowered my resistance because I have come down with a cold. It has been so long since I had a cold (probably 10 years) that I forgot what one felt like and didn’t understand why I was feeling so funky. Hopefully it will be short lived.
We have had some mixed weather up here at San Antonio Lakes near Paso Robles. When we got here on Wednesday it was sunny with 60° temps. It quickly turned to rain then hale. Through the night it rained pretty hard. Since then it has been alternating between rain, fog, and sun. It gets into the 30s at night (good thing I fill the propane tank) and 60 during the day. We have use of the group room, which is heated though so all is well. Last night we had a crock-pot dinner since yesterday was the official arrival date and some didn’t arrive until later. This morning was omelet in a bag. This is where you dump all your omelet goodies in a baggie and boil it for about 10 to 15 minutes. They come out pretty well. We got a video feed going this morning with a former rally attendant who is now in Tennessee. Pretty Cool. We have enjoyed the company of Wild turkey, deer, and there was even a mountain lion spotting.
We are now at San Antonio Lake up in the hills just west of Paso Robles, CA for an RV Rally. We left Bakersfield this morning in good weather and it went down hill from their.We traveled a couple of hours in rain. Most of the time it was just a drizzle but came down hard at times. As we were approaching Paso Robles the skies cleared up again and it was a good drive up to the lake. The motorhome and car were a real mess but as you can see by this photo,
I had a chance to clean everything up. We will be here until Monday morning. Hopefully we will have some good weather.
I has been raining all day. Well, It actually started about 10:00a and has not stopped yet. I got such a good deal on some door casing the other day that I decided to use the same for baseboard so off to Home Depot today to pick up some more. Yes I did say Home Depot. Susan is a BIG NASCAR fan and a fan of Jimmy Johnson in the number 48 car, which is sponsored by Lowes. Normally she won’t let me shop at Home Depot but if they have what I need at a better deal Home Depot it is. The door casing I bought is priced at $0.72 a foot but they had 5 seven foot lengths packaged together for about $9.00. That’s about $0.27 a foot for the same stuff. I also had time to clean my leveling jack before the rain came. The jacks have been a little lazy retracting lately and a good wipe down usually fixes that. I need to get up to the Casita tomorrow and check for leaks. I doubt it leaks but you never know and the rain will be a good test.
I sure hope the rain lets up before we need to take off for California. The plan is to head out Monday but like I said before if the wind comes up or it is still raining a lot we will wait until Tuesday. The weather reports still say Tuesday is a good day.
Susan is a happy camper now since NASCAR has start up again. As I sit here writing this post we are watching the Budweiser Shootout.
There are still a couple of pieces that need to be installed arount the tub but we are waiting for the bathroom door to be installed to get the measurements. Tomorrow they are supposed to apply the color coat on the outside. It’s getting close!