Putting the fifth wheel on their lot was a challenge. The lot is designed for a motorhome to drive straight in and maneuver around to parallel the back wall. Since there would be no way to get a fifth wheel in that spot with a truck we had to do some planning. We were able to get a fifth wheel tug, which is similar to a small forklift with a fifth wheel hitch in place of the forks. It was a done deal with the tug.

Our New House
It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Susan’s parents have moved in
Putting the fifth wheel on their lot was a challenge. The lot is designed for a motorhome to drive straight in and maneuver around to parallel the back wall. Since there would be no way to get a fifth wheel in that spot with a truck we had to do some planning. We were able to get a fifth wheel tug, which is similar to a small forklift with a fifth wheel hitch in place of the forks. It was a done deal with the tug.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
This weekend was the first annual Balloon Festival in Lake Havasu City. Now this is a tricky proposition since the wind seems to blow a lot here at the lake. The balloonists like to fly in 3 to 7 mph winds. Any more and it is too dangerous. Unfortunately this weekend was an unusually windy one. Fridays mass assent was canceled and with 30 mph gusts today they didn’t even think about it.Saturday morning however was perfect. The balloons took off around 8:00a and after an hour had to call it quits because the winds increased, but at least they got to fly.
One balloon had to be rescued because it drifted over to the California side of the lake. Luckily they were able to bring it down on the California shore and were ably to be towed back to Havasu by boat. They even did a couple of splash and goes on the way back for the fun of it. I heard all in all it was a success and they are looking forward to next year.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Were back
We made it back to Havasu today. We left around 8:00 this morning California time and pulled into our lot around 12:00 Arizona time. I didn’t have the car attached this trip so I was able to do car speeds instead of the California 55 mph towing speed. Made pretty good time and still got about 8 mpg.The weather was great and the drive was good too. We should be here until the first weekend in March but that’s what we thought 3 weeks ago. Things just happen.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Show’s over, time to go
We folded up our display and closed up the booth today and are ready to head back to Havasu tomorrow. I am sure glad we did this with 2 other couples because 4 hours a day is enough to sit there and answer questions. It also gave us time to explore the area.This is a picture of our display. We didn’t get any pictures of us at the booth. This is one of the other couples we went with.
Some of the coaches left today. Hopefully it won’t be too much of a hassle to get out of here tomorrow.
I met a piece of Havasu history today. Back in 1963 Robert McCulloch, Bought 26 square miles of land at the shores of Lake Havasu. McCulloch had purchased 11 Lockheed Electras, and formed McCulloch International Airlines, to fly in prospective land buyers from all over the country. Well today I met one of the original pilots from McCulloch International Airlines. He flew people in from Chicago. He thought at the time that McCulloch was crazy because all Lake Havasu City was at the time was 26 square miles of sand.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The humming birds are gone
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Joshua Tree National Park
We had most of the day off today since all we had to do was setup the display booth here at the rally. The exhibits don’t open until tomorrow so we took the opportunity to do some sight seeing.The Joshua Tree National Park is near by, well 30 miles away, so we pack up the car with supplies and headed out with another couple.
We spent the whole day and about 120 miles cruising through the park.
We went in the south entrance and came out the west entrance. What a good time.
Susan and I grew up in this part of the country and have never been inside the park. I am glad we took the opportunity to do so. I will post more photos of the park on our Photo site when I have more time.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
On the move again
Well, we were only in Havasu for 2 weeks and already on the road again. We are in Indio California right now.We are at the FMCA RV rally to work a boot for the resort. It’s not work when you are pushing something you really like and, what the heck, it’s all paid for. So this morning about 10:00 we uprooted and headed on down the road with 2 other motorhomes from the resort. We are looking forward to having a good time.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Girl’s day out
The other day the girls went out for a 4 wheeler ride into the desert, yes just the girls. The guys are always heading across the desert for a day trip but this is the first time the women have done this. I think some of the guys were a little worried.I am not sure if they were concerned about the women or their toys.
I think some of the women were a bit concerned also.
Once they got to their destination they lined up the machines and celebrated their accomplishment with some champagne.
All went well and they all had a great time. Now I am seeing more women cruising the resort on their toys lately. They are already planning their next outing.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Car show
This morning we ran over to Laughlin with some friends to the car show at Don Laughlin’s casino. It just amazes me how much money some of these people have in these machines.I used to have a 65 Mustang that I fully restored and was pretty proud of that but some of these people really have something to be proud of. It only takes money I guess.
The weather was pretty good today. The temps were in the 60s but it was sunny and no wind. Felt good for a change.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Craggy Wash
I went on a 3 hour hike today with a couple of others to a place here in Havasu called Craggy Wash.This is on BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land where a lot of people head for some cheap camping. There is a small fee to dry camp out there in the desert. I think I will stick to the resort. I get a kick out of some of these people that just want to get away from the busy campgrounds and camp in the wide open desert,
yet most of them are all grouped together in a bunch out there. There are a couple that are truly out by them selves though. I got to admit, the solitude and scenery is desirable.
You really don’t want to get too close to this guy.
Looks like we may be getting ready to travel again. I know we have only been back in Havasu for less than 2 weeks but things come up. The resort is going to have a both at the upcoming FMCA rally in Indio CA and they are looking for volunteers to man the booth. 3 of us volunteered but there may be a catch. I surrendered my membership in the FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) because there was no real benefit for us. Well I think only FMCA members are allowed to work the booths. We are looking into that. If it happens we will be traveling to Indio on Tuesday.
Monday, January 3, 2011
New stuff
You may have noticed along with the new look of out site, there are no more ads. I never wanted to clutter up our site with ads but though, Hey if I can make a little money off this thing, why not. Turns out I did just that, made a “LITTLE” money, not enough to include them in the new look. So no more ads!
New ride
Remember the golf cart Susan decorated for the golf cart Christmas parade? Well it was offered to me for purchase.

New computer
Susan has been wanting her own computer for quite some time now. Seems we both want to cruise the internet at the same time which is not possible with only one computer in the family. I use a MiFi card from Verizon, which is an aircard with a built in wireless router capable of handling 5 devices so we are OK there. I gave some though to buying a new computer for myself and giving her mine or buying her a new one. For what she uses it for we decided she might be happy with one of those 10” Netbooks.

Saturday, January 1, 2011
On to a new year
We hope you all made it through the New Year transition OK. We made it to about 10:30 at the local Eagles Lodge then came back to the Resort and spent the rest of 2010 at a friends 5th wheel. We wish we had gone to the Resort New Years Party. We originally intended to go on down to the big Main Street celebration they have here in town with 6 bands and 2 separate fireworks shows, but it was REALLY COLD (in the 20s). By the time we decided against it the resort party was sold out. That is why we ended up at the Eagles Lodge. We still had a pretty good time though.