Below is another list of interesting characters we have come across as Camp Hosts.
See you next Year!
It was brought to my attention that we haven’t updated our Blog since 2013. Since we have become stagnant and haven’t really traveled for a while I didn’t have much of interest to post. Not that our life isn’t interesting, there just isn’t much RV Travel going on.
Well recently we have turned another page in our lives. We decided since we like our lifestyle so much that buying a house wasn’t in our plans. However we have pretty much outgrown the RV so…
We bought a Park Model home in the same resort where we have lived for the last 11 years in the motor home. If you are not familiar with a Park Model, it is a small 400 square foot manufactured home. Ours however is a bit more than a simple park model. First off ours is set in the ground so it is ground level, then a 200 square foot addition was added making it 600 square foot overall and the whole thing is stuccoed and the roof is tiled. There is also a 117 square foot building on the property, which serves as a laundry room and a shop. This building is attached to the house by a covered patio with outdoor kitchen. Along with the real residential appliances they topped it off with an air conditioner that can turn the house into a meat locker in the 120-degree Arizona summers. You can see more photos by clicking on the link in the left column.
I have added a link to the photos of our house HERE.
So, although we are keeping the motor home, it looks like we are not Fulltimers anymore.
Best wishes to all our readers and I hope your travels are as enjoyable as ours.
I will leave the Blog up because I know others enjoy reading about our travels.
This time of year brings out all the wackos, degenerates and misfits. The park is just about empty during the weekdays except for a collection of degenerates. There is an interesting collection of tents, campers and motorhomes.
There is the guy that asks for an ambulance because he thinks he is suffering from sleep deprivation.
There was the motley grew that looked like they just crawled out from under a bridge somewhere. They all took off one day, however they forgot the guy that was passed out in the bushes next to their site. I left that one for the Ranger to handle.
There is the POW that complains about everything even though he is getting his site for free. He figures since he doesn’t have to pay that he can come and go as he pleases, whenever he pleases.
There was the guy that took off in his truck the day he was supposed to check out, leaving his trailer and Harley behind. When he arrived at 11:30P the Ranger was there to meet him. Turns out his truck, trailer, and wife’s car had expired registrations and their driver’s licenses were expired. He was given an hour to leave.
There was the guy that claims he raises race horses and has lots of money even though he is sleeping in a 4’X4’ purple tent that looks like a little kids Barbie tent. He ended up missing for 2 nights even though all his stuff was still setup in the site. He came back and paid up then disappeared again for another 4 nights, then one night all his stuff disappeared.
There is the one that says he just bought a million dollar house, however he is staying in the park in his hundred dollar motorhome.
There are the ones that have a vivid imagination. One says he witnessed a rape in one of the showers. One wanted to file an assault with deadly weapon charge stating a man with a cane attacked him.
Then there are the leaches that think they can pull in when the office is closed and slip out before they open without paying. Little do they know that we get their plate numbers and send them a citation that costs A LOT more than the night’s fee.
There is the guy that chooses a non-hookup site, then plugged into the hookup site next to him. His excuse was he was charging a dead battery and didn’t want to disturb anyone with his generator. Yeah, he was also kicked back watching TV.
There was the woman that knocked on my door at 8:00pm looking for a warm place to sleep. When I sent her on her way, she was so wasted she couldn’t find her way out of my site. Called the ranger on that one.
There are also a number of oddballs that are quiet, keep to themselves and completely harmless.
So, how exciting is your job?
This squirl couldn’t decide which trash can he wanted to raid first.
The recent storm, if that’s what you want to call it, has uprooted a lot of kelp and deposited it on our beach. What a mess.
I can’t believe I have been here at the beach for 2 weeks now and I still haven’t got any sunset shots.
He just loved visiting Nana and Papa at the beach. He got to go in the water with some friends while Nana sat on the beach, occupying herself with Video Poker. Where was I? Well I took the work duty so Susan can spend time with our friends. I had plenty of time, however to man the camera for a few shots.
The weekend around here was busy but quiet. I was rather surprised being we were full for the weekend. Next weekend will be a Holliday weekend so we will see what that brings.
This morning I caught a squirrel trying to enjoy a little snack while this bird was trying to steal a free meal. The squirrel won out and got his snack.
Well the weather is taking a turn for the worst. We haven’t seen too much of the sun in the last couple of days and they are calling for rain tomorrow, however, after that it is supposed to clear up again and be nice.