The Thanksgiving week was interesting. Tending to the hordes of kids and juvenal acting adults while entertaining guests of our own was a challenge, a challenge we concurred very well. For some dumb reason, maintenance decided this week would be a good week to bring in a number of dump truck loads of dirt. Well…every kid in the park with a bike saw it as a perfect motocross track. I played the part of “dirt police” all weekend trying my best to keep the kids from riding down the streets, across the handicap parking, over the dirt, up into the “closed for rehabilitation” area, then around the bathroom/showers, and back in line to go again, all with no helmets. Putting up barricades did nothing, they just ran them over. Talking to the parents did nothing, they didn’t want to deal with it. Noting it in the log book for the Rangers did nothing. And of course all the “No Skateboard” signs around the bathroom/showers ment nothing to the skateboarders. Even with all the policeing I did, I did get a thanks from some of the parents for being cool about the whole thing. They said the guy last year was on them about every little thing they did. I thanked them and told them, I just want everyone to have a good time.
Our grandson came to visit yesterday. Susan put her Host visor on him, we made him a junior ranger for the day, gave him a trash bag and put him to work. He had a ball picking up trash. We had to laugh as one person was heading for the beach with their dog and Landen yells out, “No dogs on the beach” and as one driver came zipping by he yells out, “Slow down”. This guy is only 4 years old and right on the ball.
Things are very quiet right now, Whew.
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