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As I said before, everything is on stilts around here. The lower left is a hotel on a pier. That must be one strong pier to hold up a large hotel, especially during a hurricane. The lower right is a new construction. There is a lot of that going on around here. We saw a sign that said they were selling lots for $20,000 to $60,000. We didn’t see any prices for a completed construction.
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In the above photos, the top 2 show homes along the many canals. I guess these guys are lucky. They can get to their house even after the hurricanes flood the area. The bottom 2 photos are of the downtown area.
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What can I say… The beach.
We were lucky to have really good weather while we were here. They were predicting thunder storms for today but they never materialized. It was a nice warm day. I am kind of disappointed I haven’t seen an armadillo. They say there are some around here.
We are back on the road tomorrow. We are heading for Lake Charles Louisiana and going to stay at the Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Camp-Resort, should be interesting. Since it is getting close to the weekend and we try to stay off the roads on the weekend, we will be hanging out until Monday.
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