No I spelled it right…It’s MiFi. This is a battery powered aircard with a built in WiFi router capable of connecting 5 wireless devices to the Internet at one time. Since the old computer is still running (some what) Susan can connect to the Internet at the same time I am connected using WiFi. As you can see it is no bigger than a ½ deck of cards. You can slip it in your shirt pocket and have a WiFi router everywhere you go. Now comes the problem. I pulled it out of its box, hooked it to my new computer and set it up. Then I unplugged it and connected wireless. Everything worked great…until I tried to connect with my old computer. Seems the security measures they are now using are way too sophisticated for my old computer’s WiFi card. I consulted the Internet for a solution. Seem a lot of others are having this problem and a lot of them had solutions but none worked for me. After hours of thinking I knew everything I finally gave in and called Verizon Tech Support. Well it turns out I do know everything, at least more than Verizon Tech Support does. After over an hour on the phone with 3 guys from Verizon I said goodbye. Back to the Internet for help I went. Still no help so I dove in to the setup of the MiFi. After a while of trial and error I found a happy medium where now both computers are happy and connected to the MiFi.
Pretty Cool!
Yeah, that little gizmo came out about a month after I bought my netcard. Oh well only need it on one computer anyway. It looks pretty slick